Roles and permissions

Roles and permissions define and control what each workspace member can see and do.


Roles are used to define user permissions within your workspace. Each user is assigned a specific role, dictating their access and actions. The admin role encompasses all permissions, providing comprehensive access.

To create a new role, access the Add New Role button on the Manage Roles page. When adding a role, tailor the permissions to meet specific requirements. For existing roles, editing is accessible by selecting the three dots next to the role and choosing the edit option. It's important to note that modifying permissions will impact all current users assigned to that role.


Permissions are like specific rules that determine what a user or role is allowed to do and see. They outline the level of access someone has, making sure they can only undertake actions that align with their role.

List of permission

  1. Members

    1. View members: This allows a user to see the workspace members.

    2. Manage members: This allows a user to add new members and edit existing members. This allows a user to deactivate or remove users from the workspace.

  2. Meeting links

    1. Manage all meeting links (workspace): This allows users to create and manage meeting links for the entire workspace. They can create new meeting links and edit existing ones. They can also change the hosts of the meeting links.

    2. Manage own meeting links: This allows users to create and manage meeting links where they are hosts. They cannot edit other users meeting links.

  3. Integrations

    1. Manage Stripe Standard Account: This allows users to add and manage the Stripe Standard Account. This allows a user to add stripe payment to their meeting links.

    2. Manage video integrations: This allows a user to manage workspace-level video integrations. The workspace-level video integrations are Daily Co and Whereby. These integrations are common across the whole workspace. All users ( including those without this permission) are allowed to manage other video integrations.

    3. Manage Stripe Split Account: This allows users to add and manage the Stripe Split Account.

    4. Manage Square Integration: Allows a user to add and manage Square accounts. This allows a user to add Square payments to their meeting links.

    5. Manage PayPal integration: Allows a user to add and manage the PayPal account. This allows a user to add PayPal payments to their meeting links.

  4. Bookings

    1. Manage workspace bookings: This allows a user to manage workspace-level bookings. The user can view and edit all the bookings in the workspace. They have permission to cancel or reschedule bookings even when they are not part of them. All users have access to their own bookings.

  5. Settings

    1. View roles: This allows a user to view the different roles and the permissions associated with them in the workspace.

    2. Manage roles: This allows a user to create new roles and edit existing roles.

    3. Workspace-level admin settings: This allows a user to manage workspace-level admin settings, including the homepage, search engine indexing, custom domains, and webhooks.

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