Google Calendar integration

Here are the steps to connect Google Calendars:

  1. Click on Settings from the left-hand sidebar.

  2. Scroll down to find Calendar Integrations.

  3. Select the Google Calendar card and click Connect Google Calendar.

  4. Click on Sign in with Google to connect your Google account.

  5. Follow the process from Google's side. And make sure to check the "Select All" checkbox on the Google consent page.

  6. You have successfully connected to your Google Calendar account.

If you want to select multiple calendar accounts or add a new one, please check out this article:

How to avoid double bookings/conflicts on your Google Calendar?

  1. Click on Settings from the left-hand sidebar.

  2. Scroll down to find Calendar Integrations.

  3. Select the Google Calendar card and click Manage Google Calendar.

  4. Make sure that you select the checkbox of your calendar under the Check for conflicts section.

If the issue is still not solved, it might be because you have created manual events on your Google Calendar and the availability is set as free. Follow the below steps to avoid conflicts.

  1. Open your Google Calendar account.

  2. Select the manual event that is causing the double booking.

  3. On the event details pop-up click on the edit icon.

  4. Change your availability by clicking the option set as free, and changing it to busy.

  5. Now save changes, and you won't be double booked during this time slot.

  6. Finally, ensure that you set your availability to busy when creating new manual events.

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