Formatting text in rich text editor

Our editor supports much more than just text. In addition to the various options for formatting text, like bold, italic, inline code, and strikethrough text, you can add links and embedded content, images, videos, and other attachments, as well as other types of content and formatting. Let's see how to use them.


At the top of the text editor, you’ll see a toolbar listing all of the available content types and formatting tools. Click on any of these buttons to apply that formatting, or see more options by clicking on the right icon.

Rich text toolbar

Quick-insert menu

Press / while typing in the editor to open the quick insert menu with all the different types of content that can be added.

Quick insert menu

Keyboard shortcuts and markdown

Keyboard shortcuts and markdowns let you format text as you type without having to move your mouse or trackpad to click on a menu. Keyboard shortcuts and Markdown will convert into formatted text as you type. If you don’t want the text to be formatted, you can press ‘CMD + Z’ or ‘CTRL + Z’ to undo the formatting.

You can use any of the below keyboard shortcuts or Markdown syntax in rich text editors.

Keyboard shortcuts
keyboard shortcuts
Markdown syntax

  • Bold: **Bold**

  • Italic: *Italic*

  • Strikethrough: ~~Strikethrough~~

  • Heading 1: #Heading text

  • Heading 2: ## Heading text

  • Heading 3: ### Heading text

  • Heading 4: #### Heading text

  • Heading 5: ##### Heading text

  • Numbered list: 1. List item

  • Bullet list: List item

  • Quote: > Quote

  • Code block: ```

  • Divider: ---

  • Code: `Code`


You can insert images by clicking on the image icon in the toolbar. This will bring up a modal where you can either upload an image from your computer or add an image via a link.


You can insert attachments in the editor by clicking the paperclip icon in the toolbar. You can select any file from your computer to add as an attachment. This option is only enabled for some editors on our website.


You can embed a video by clicking on the video play icon in the toolbar. This will bring up a modal where you can enter the link to your video.

You can also upload a video directly by clicking the video icon in the toolbar. This option is only enabled for some editors on our website.


You can also add emojis in our editor by clicking the smiley face icon in the toolbar.

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