Buffer time is the time gap that can be added before and after a meeting. This feature helps you schedule your availability, allowing you to prepare for a meeting and take a breather between two meetings. Let's take a few examples to understand this.
Before meeting buffer time example
Let's say that you have set a "before meeting buffer time" of 15 minutes. You allow your clients to book meetings every 15 minutes.
Now if a client has booked a 10:15 AM slot, then NeetoCal will not allow anyone to book a 10 AM slot because it will conflict with the before buffer time of 15 minutes of the booking that is supposed to start at 10:15 AM.
After meeting buffer time example
Let's say that you have set a "after meeting buffer time" of 15 minutes. You allow your clients to book meetings every 15 minutes.
Now if a client has booked a 10:15 AM slot, then NeetoCal will not allow anyone to book a 10:30 AM slot because it will conflict with the after buffer time of 15 minutes of the booking that is supposed to start at 10:15 AM.
Both before and after meeting buffer time example
In this case, let's say that you have set a "before meeting buffer time" of 15 minutes and "after meeting buffer time" of 15 minutes.
Now if a client has booked a 11 AM slot, then NeetoCal will not allow anyone to book a 10:45 AM slot and 11:15 AM slot.
Buffer is applied to NeetoCal bookings as well as calendar events
If you have a meeting in your calendar which is not booked using NeetoCal then buffer time will be applied to those meetings as well.
Add buffer:
From the left-hand sidebar, click on the Availabilities tab.
Click on the availability for which you want to add a buffer.
Click on the three-dot mneu next to buffer time and then click on Edit.
Add the buffer time you want to add.
Click on Save Changes.